The Breakdown

Let Us Break It Down for You

Green Facts

The Challenge – Material and Usage In the U.S., each of us uses the equivalent of one 100-foot-tall Douglas fir tree in paper and wood products per year. (EPA) 1.5 acres of rainforest is lost each second to land development and deforestation, with significant impact and loss to habitat and biodiversity. Americans use and discard over 2.5 billio...
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What is Bagasse?

Press Release – Burlingame, CA – January 15, 2009 – When it comes to disposable tableware, many people are looking to options other than Styrofoam as the earth becomes more environmentally conscious. One of these options is bagasse.Bagasse is recycled fiber created when sugarcane is squeezed and you are left with fibrous pulp material. This mate...
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Why Restaurants Should Go Green

The restaurant industry is one accustomed to wastefulness. Styrofoam, plastic, and immense amounts of trash have been part of their operating systems for years. But this is the 21st century, and people are beginning to realize that its time to start taking care of our planet. So, slowly but surely, the industry with a big carbon footprint is mak...
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Styrofoam Ban Successful in San Francisco

Effective in June 2007, San Francisco banned all polystyrene foam or “Styrofoam” from being used in restaurants. They follow several other cities such as Berkeley and Oakland to create a ban, with many other cities now following suit. The foam cannot be recycled and is not compostable. According to city officials, Styrofoam littering the streets...
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How to Make your own Compost Pile

Press Release – Woodland, CA – February 4, 2009 – Many cities now offer separate garbage cans for recycling and yard waste to take to compost dumps. However, making your own compost piles is a great way to create rich fertilizer for your plants and lawn while helping the environment. The homemade pile will take several months to decompose, but i...
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National Restaurant Show Location Looking to “Go Green”

Press Release – Rancho Cordova, CA – February 18, 2009 – McCormick Place, located in Chicago and home to the National Restaurant Association Show, is looking to move in more of a “Green” direction. The U.S. Green Build Council, the organization that set standards for environmentally friendly buildings, has recently given the LEED Certification (...
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